The Cranky Old Bastards Podcast 2 – It’s Still a fucking Shame

So this Podcast we talk about Parking tickets, Postal strikes, and Cop Killers, little fucking 15 year old cop killers that need to be tried as adults and then get gang raped in prison. I bet his parents are so proud of him now, fuck I bet his parents are now living in fear from their neighbours. Why do I hope wish this on the parents? EASY, if they had actually paid attention to their fucking brat and maybe spanked him the odd time he would have learnt right from wrong. My kids have and will learn to show respect for the Law Enforcement community, not to mention showing respect for their elders,

Next podcast we will be talking about how our vets are being screwed over by VA and the Federal government. It is worse then you think. This way you will get to know more about why I ask you to…

Support Our Troops

Until next time
I remain

The Cranky Old Bastard

PS if you would like to join into one of our pod casts drop me an email at


  1. […] The Cranky Old Bastards Podcast 2 – It’s Still a fucking Shame is a post from: The Cranky Old Bastard See the real stuff […]