This past August I lost my brother to Cancer, Lung Cancer to be exact. In May he was told he had viral pneumonia, but no matter what the Quacks in Courtney/Comox did he did not seem to get better. As time went on he got worse until finally the put him in the hospital. He was there for almost three weeks. Then On Tuesday Aug 18th he was told he had Lung Cancer. On Thursday Aug 20th he had radiation treatment and was given at the most 6 weeks to live. He Passed on Aug 23. Five fucking days’ people.
 Now you may be wondering why I am sharing this personal information with you all. The answer is easy. I want you all to realize that there will never be a CURE for Cancer. Why? Because there is NO FUCKING MONEY TO BE MADE IF THEY FIND A CURE. the money is only there for research. Sure they will make breakthroughs but until we stop being so fucking greedy and actually start to care about mankind in general we are all fucking DOOMED!!!
 Now despite what you may be thinking right now I really don’t give a fuck about you all, but I DO CARE FOR MY CHILDREN. We can no longer sit around jerking our collective cocks hoping things will change, WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING. What can you do? Write to your Local Member of Parliament (kind of fitting they are called that seeing as they are all pricks) or Congressman and DEMAND more funding to find a cure. Tell them you want to start seeing results. Let’s make these fuckers answerable to us, the people that put them in power. Don’t wait until it strikes some one you care about. Do it because you know I am telling the truth. And make sure you tell them the Cranky Old Bastard sent you.
Until Next Time
I remain
The Cranky Old Bastard