The Most Politically incorrect podcast on the internet covering topics such as feminism, politics, and all sorts of crap that hits our day to day lives. You will ne enlightened and show that you'll just join in the fun. So Fuck Off already. What is Mansplaining? Mansplaining is when a man interrupts a woman to explain something that does NOT need explaining, especially on a topic that we as man have no authority to speak on.Here are some other resources to help better understand "Mansplaing"10 Ways Society Can Close the Confidence GapBy: Soraya Chemaly Down the Problem with MansplainingR. Nithya @ProjectBronx @JuneBabyProFacebook: … [Read more...]
CANADA: A Democracy, unless you’re NOT LGBTQRSTWXYZ
CANADA: A Democracy, unless you're NOT LGBTQRSTWXYZ Canada: A democracy, unless you're NOT LGBTQRSTWXYZMy thoughts on Bill 89, and the future of Canada. I do this full time through the help of your contributions, anything helps and your donations are profoundly appreciated:PATREON: JAR: me on Twitter, lets chat!TWITTER: Read Original Article Here … [Read more...]
It is not ok to joke about killing men
It is not ok to joke about killing men At some point when everyone was busy believing that feminism had something to do with achieving equality, Clementine Ford arrived on a broomstick. She confidently announced she was here to fix gender inequality and people blindly believed her. While everyone was so busy virtue signalling that all things fem are fabulous, people stopped noticing our societal moral compass had turned into devil’s horns. In a copy of her book, ‘Fight Like A Girl’, she wrote a note to a fan. It asked “Have you killed any men today? And if not, why not?†Read that again. Read Original Article Here … [Read more...]
Evalion: Fat acceptance is bullshit – Trigglypuff Dance Remix!!
Trigglypuff Dance Remix!! (Official Version) Join the Mug Club: infamous Trigglypuff dubstep remix you didn't even know you wanted. Courtesy of Louder With Crowder and Ben Walding. Get triggered...Read more at http://LouderWithCrowder.comFollow me on Twitter: me on Facebook: full #TrigglyPuff context watch the video-podcast below: hear the original anti-SJW rant, click the link below: see more students get triggered at UofM and actually demand an end to free speech on campus: Read Original Article Here … [Read more...]