How the U.S Media is taking the focus off how bad the U.S really is.

Now I know Americans are stupid, Hell that is a given, but they are more worried about people like Tiger Woods getting laid, or a Pedophile dieing, then they are about how many troops are coming home in body bags. Seriously People GROW THE FUCK UP. For all you know Tiger Woods and his wife had an open marriage, WHO GIVES A FUCK? You should be more concerned over how many of your kids are getting killed or wounded. BUT NO YOU FUCKERS CARE MORE ABOUT MICHEAL JACKSON THE PEDOPHILE DIEING. Maybe we should start referring to him as the KING OF PEDOPHILES. Americans are far too interested with the sex lives of other people then to worry about the real problems going on. They cared more about who J.F.K. was fucking then they did about finding out  why he was killed or … [Read more...]

Money, Power, Sex, and Vaginas. The truth about it all.

Why the fuck is it women complain they are not treated equally and have no power? Women have half the money and all the pussy so they hold all the power. That little gash between your legs has every guy in the world held in its' grasp. I don't give a flying FUCK if they are gay or straight. They are either trying to get into it or wish they had it. Of course there are cunts out there that abuse this power; they use that gash to get what they want ... hell they don't even have to let the guy use it, just a hint at the promise is enough for some guys. If he thinks he is going to get to dip his cock into it, it will cause him to bend over backwards. God forbid you get a vindictive cunt that wants to fuck you up for life. They are out there don't be fooled, these … [Read more...]

The World is full of losers

We have fucking MORONS making pod casts for World of Warcraft (or as I call it World of Warcrap) or worse yet blogging about it. But what is worse then these fuckers, are the stupid assholes who don't even have the intelligence to play a mindless Role Playing Game, maybe because Mommy thinks it is satanic and they will burn in Hell, but we won’t go there today.  No today we are going to talk about asshats like the dimwitted cock sucker who has nothing better to do then to make STUPID videos about wrestling, and Mario Brothers ( [youtube]TQrqdUZBhEM[/youtube]  Now first of all I will start out by saying that pro wrestlers are in Great shape and they put their bodies through fucking hell, but we all know that it is … [Read more...]

World of….. WANKERS!!

What the FUCK is wrong with you people? Obviously you have no fucking life and have never seen the outside of your mother’s basement. You all know who I am talking about, these fucking losers that play World of Warcraft. I am willing to bet that they are all inbred and the only time they ever get laid is by their sisters of first cousins. It fucking amazes me that these  shit for brain lowlifes even know HOW to operate a computer  Take the idiot in this  video for instance ( [youtube]YersIyzsOpc[/youtube]  It would not surprise me to find out this was staged but there are inbreds like this out there, Need Proof? Then check this cock sucker out … [Read more...]

World of….. WANKERS!!

What the FUCK is wrong with you people? Obviously you have no fucking life and have never seen the outside of your mother’s basement. You all know who I am talking about, these fucking losers that play World of Warcraft. I am willing to bet that they are all inbred and the only time they ever get laid is by their sisters of first cousins. It fucking amazes me that these  shit for brain lowlifes even know HOW to operate a computer  Take the idiot in this  video for instance (  It would not surprise me to find out this was staged but there are inbreds like this out there, Need Proof? Then check this cock sucker out ( There are even people that need to make up a fucking … [Read more...]