This past August I lost my brother to Cancer, Lung Cancer to be exact. In May he was told he had viral pneumonia, but no matter what the Quacks in Courtney/Comox did he did not seem to get better. As time went on he got worse until finally the put him in the hospital. He was there for almost three weeks. Then On Tuesday Aug 18th he was told he had Lung Cancer. On Thursday Aug 20th he had radiation treatment and was given at the most 6 weeks to live. He Passed on Aug 23. Five fucking days’ people.  Now you may be wondering why I am sharing this personal information with you all. The answer is easy. I want you all to realize that there will never be a CURE for Cancer. Why? Because there is NO FUCKING MONEY TO BE MADE IF THEY FIND A CURE. the money is … [Read more...]
Now on deck, Nigeria, Iran? … Can we be far behind.
 I wonder if any of you people (for lack of a better term) out there have the intelligence to see what is going on with our neighbours to the south. Yes I mean the stupid assed American Govt. People were just starting to think they can relax when out of now where comes a Nigerian guy boarding a plane in Amsterdam with PETN (pentaerythritol - that means high explosive to you fucktards) strapped to his body. I have to wonder what Nigeria is hiding. Do they have Oil in Nigeria? One has to wonder. Or maybe the U.S. Govt. figures that if they try to blame Nigeria then they can some how tie it in to Iran and give them a reason to invade there next. Fuck they have been trying to find a reason to invade Iran since they lost their puppet the Shaw. I mean how fucking … [Read more...]
Have a happy fake Holliday….Fucktards
 Attention all Sheeple, That would be anyone that is Christian, you know the fucking half wits that believe that today is Christ's Birthday. These are the same dumb shits that believe that Gabriel slipped into Mary’s room and slipped some of Gods sperm into her twat, and Joseph was happy about this? Like fucking hell. I wonder if any of you have taken the time to read this myth and then thought about it. What would any Father do if his daughter were to come home knocked up and said "God did it Daddy" He would be looking for God with his shotgun. Or would any guy out there say to his future wife..."Sure Hunny I believe you, God is the father of your baby." Most likely a Guy would say "FUC K OFF you stupid cheating, cum dripping, walking sperm bank!" and then … [Read more...]
Why can’t we just Shoot the stupid ones?
 In case you missed it STUPID PEOPLE PISS ME OFF!!! Now I have posted an incomplete list of the stupid people that piss me off, I say incomplete because the list keeps growing and growing. I don't think it will ever be complete, because these stupid fuckers keep breeding. Now I can hear you saying "What does the Bastard considered stupid?" Well let me add to the list for you, oh witless reader. We already know Christians are stupid, so are Americans, the only thing the French are good for is hosting invasions, assholes that think that they MUST drive at least 20 kilometers over the posted speed limit fall into the stupid people category. Anyone that thinks I give a RATS ASS about their opinion is stupid and therefore pisses me off. But today I … [Read more...]
You should never trust any politician, None of them can tell the truth.
There is NOT one fucking politician that you can trust to tell the truth. Our biggest example is Steven Harper. This cocksucking waste of sperm promised to get rid of the GST (Government Sanctioned Theft). Yeah he is going to get rid of it alright and replace it with the HST (Harpers Savings and Trust) this new tax will bump up your cost of a cup of coffee at Tim Horton’s by another 7%.  Now I have said this before and I will say it again, IF WE WANT TO CUT THE BUDGET AND REDUCE TAXES THEN THE PEOPLE WE ELECT SHOULD TAKE A FUCKING PAY CUT!!!! Here is another Idea. We build Dorms for them to live in so that we are not paying for them to have two residences, one in their riding and one where they "Serve" Our tax money goes to pay their traveling expenses so we … [Read more...]