Rush Sucks and other music truths

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Except for mine. I just finished watching VH1's top 100 Greatest Rock songs and I have to ask, WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GET THE PEOPLE THAT ANSWERED THIS POLL? I mean who the fuck would put Guns and Roses over Led Zeppelin. I swear the fuckers that took this poll must be on Crack. Jimi Hendrix was NOT even in the top ten, Stevie Ray Vaughn was NOT even mentioned, but asshole heroin addicts like Nirvana make this list? There is something seriously fucking wrong here people.  The darkest day in history was the day John "Bonzo" Bonham died and Led Zeppelin broke up. The second darkest day was the day Kurt Cobain was born. If it had not been for bands like Zeppelin, the Who and the Rolling Stones … [Read more...]

Gotta get there fast, and other small penis compensations

  I live in the Pacific Northwest. I know I have said that before, but you stupid ass wipes would not remember that, hell most of you can not remember your own  names if your Mommy did not sew it into your underwear. Now one of the main features out here is the fact that it rarely snows here. Matter of fact we get more rain then snow, but I can deal with that. What I have a problem with is these assholes out on the road that feel that because they have a small dick that it gives them the right to go faster then anybody else on the road.  You know who you are. you drive big pick up trucks, S.U.V.s, or sports cars done up with all the bells and fucking whistles on them. The more gadgets and shit they have on the vehicle the smaller their dick.  Now you may … [Read more...]

Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cock sucker, mother fucker and Tits

  Credit for the title must be given to the late George Carlin. Back when he originally did this part of his stand up routine these were, as he called them, The Heavy Seven. The seven dirty words you can't say on television. If George were alive today he would hear all these and more on TV. So why is it now ok to say these seven but the censors remove the words like Nigger,Kike, Hebe, and Honky? Why is it you can call some one a Cock sucking Mother fucker, but not Nigger. For fuck sakes people they are only words. Having witnessed mans inhumanity towards his fellow man, I seriously can not for the fucking life of me imagine how people can get so upset by a bunch of letters pushed together.  I have children. I have fucked their mothers after they were … [Read more...]

Welcome to the United States. Please bend over and grab your ankles.

 So I am watching Team Canada play Slovakia today and in between periods I switch over to the News program and I see that people who are traveling to the U.S are now being subjected to pat downs. Now you would better know this as either being frisked or how your local Catholic priest touches the neighbourhood boys... now wait they have to bend over too. I guess these fucktards read my blog, because they are saying that these are "security upgrades". I know some of the people that work airport security and there is NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL I would let these Neanderthals touch me with a ten foot pole, let alone have them pat me down. I mean these cock-suckers are severely twisted. But that is for another time.The U.S. has become so fucking uptight they make … [Read more...]

Some people just need their meds increased

So I was surfing the web today when I came upon this blog ( Now this fucktard is obviously American because he writes. This country was built on the voices of Christians who spoke out boldly on issues of public importance. On some issues, we cannot, in good conscience, be silent. However, we must remind ourselves that this world is not our home. Our perspective must be heaven bound; one of good will for all through the teachings of Christ, and of truth. *** With the world in transition, the birth pangs increasing, and the unknown before us, Christians can take comfort in the shelter of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, and through His Word. "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let … [Read more...]