Legion, The Book of Eli, The Simpsons and The Roman Catholic Church

I was watching the  Simpson's 20th Anniversary special and they said that they had offended the Roman Catholic Church. So I had to wonder WHAT THE FUCK?  I know the Catholics have their heads stuck up their asses but I did NOT think they were this anal. Apparently there is some Catholic motherfucker that feels  that his church is being persecuted by the Simpson's. All I have to say to that is , NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS COCKSUCKER. Now I am NOT saying ALL CATHOLICS ARE COCKSUCKERS! Just the ones that are in the Clergy and about 95% OF THE REST. Now usually being a cocksucker would be a good thing in my books. Matter of fact pretty much any girl who is a cocksucker is fucking great in my books, as long as it is MY cock she is sucking. But in this case I am using … [Read more...]

Submit your candidate for TWATWAFFLE OF THE WEEK

Yes that's right I am asking you all to send me submissions for the TWATWAFFLE OF THE WEEK. I will post the submissions, anonymously of course because you fucking cowards lack the balls to name yourselves, so here is the deal. You send me an email with your nominations (my email is cranky@thecrankyoldbastard.com) I will check it out and post it. I have to be able to verify what you send to me. I will NOT post peoples full names, this is to protect you dumb cock suckers as well as myself. There will be a poll to vote on the Twatwaffle of the week. At the end of the week there will be Twatwaffle of the month, and the end of the year will see Twatwaffle of the year. Sorry Twatwaffle of the Century has already been won by George W. Bush I am also going to be the … [Read more...]

Death to America and other warm fuzzy thoughts

Like any good Canadian, I watched Canada get screwed out of it's sixth consecutive Gold medal in the IIHA Hockey today, and I have to ask. How much did the U.S have to pay to get the refs to throw the game to them? While Canada was penalized for  checking from behind the U.S. team did the same thing on more then one occasion and nothing happened. Piss poor officiating in both the games between these two teams was just one major problem I had. Although both teams played well and hard the Canadians must have known going into the game that the odds were stacked against them. The U.S. in such terrible shape right now that any defeat makes the people start to take notice. For fuck sakes people these are kids under 20 years old and should NOT have to be political … [Read more...]

What the fuck are you people thinking?

There are truly some stupid fuckers out there, and for once I am not talking about my readers. Today I am talking about ignorant fucks that are too stupid to do some research.  Like the dumb fuck  that posted this http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100103210953AAmkCpG this fuck is obviously too stupid to operate a search engine. Or lets look at this fucktard http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApuhdDcal_.IRIsbpzTlTcmQDX1G;_ylv=3?qid=20100104024222AAFgrYA  who knows maybe he is just looking for the right place to break into. Now this stunned fucking Frenchman might not be welcome here when he starts off by asking "Can I work … [Read more...]

Eerie tales from the trailer park…better put the kids to bed.

If you are looking for a few good laughs, you have to go to this website http://www.modernchurchofsatan.com/index.html and read some of the topics I found this one and felt a need to share with you all. The following is a true story that actually happened to me, when I was young a growing up in Tennessee. If you are easily scared by the paranormal, DO NOT GO FURTHER. One time I had to spend the night at my aunts house because my mom said she just couldn't deal with me one weekend. I was sleeping in the back room of her trailer when I heard some dude moaning. I slipped out of the room being very quiet and made my way towards the kitchenette/living room area. I could see my aunt laying on the kitchen table with some big ghost standing over her. They were both … [Read more...]