Love them or Hate them cell phones are here to stay. But what really fucking pisses me off are the Morons that have the fucking phone Glued to the god damned mother fucking ears while the are driving down the fucking road. I could understand if you were having an emergency and had to call 911, but if that were the case then you should pull the fuck off the road and talk. When I was driving I made a point of telling people that called me "Look I am on the road right now make it quick or I will call you back" I honestly think anyone that is in a car accident while they are on a fucking cell phone should be at fucking fault. Keith from Texas (Apparently there is some sort of intelligence in Texas) was telling me he hates people at the bus stop or on the … [Read more...]
Death sounds good to me
Why is it when some dumb fucker is sentenced to death in the US some bunch of fucking nuts protest the execution? Come on you stupid fucks the death penalty is one of the very very few things that the US does that I agree with. Think about it we are paying to keep ass holes like Paul Bernardo, Karla Homolka, and Clifford Olsen alive when they showed no fucking mercy to the people they killed. If we were to have the death penalty here these fuckers would be dead and no longer a burden on us. Yeah sure there are a few cases where they executed some one that was innocent of the crime they were sentenced to but, fuck it if they were completely innocent then they would never have been considered for committing any crime in the first place. And what of these … [Read more...]
Like we needed more proof…
That Americans are stupid. A reader with nothing fucking better to do with his time sent me this URL Now I admit that I am by no means a Rhodes Scholar but even the dumbest Canadian knows that the earth is more then 10,000 years old, closer to 65 million years old. This is one of those things that makes you want to NUKE Arkansas for fuck sakes. Can you just see Adam and Eve frolicking with T Rex? Or Cain and Able playing Pin the tail on the Wooly Mammoth? While reading this article I came a crossed this little tidbit Creationism has found one high-level voice. President George Bush famously proclaimed: 'The jury is still out on evolution.' A CBS survey late last year showed that 45 per cent of Bush voters wanted … [Read more...]
Before I start my rant today I would like to first extend my heartfelt thanks to all the Staff of the Cardio Vascular Untit at Royal Jubilee Hospital, this includes the Doctors, Nurses, Physio people and anyone else that works with the Cardio patients at RJH, I know you all are very dedicated to your jobs and that most people take you all for granted, so I just wanted to say to everyone of you Thanks. Now what is it about people that they think rules don't apply to them? It truly is a simple rule, No means NO, Stop means STOP, and Fuck off means Fuck off. People seem to think that rules don't apply to them for what ever fucking reason, like this fucking teen aged punk that thought that he didn't have to share a seat on the bus while there were others standing … [Read more...]
The definition of Stupid
OK so we all know that stupid people piss me off. But what makes someone stupid? Well here is a partial list of what I consider stupid enough to piss me off. Now before I go any further, I say it is a partial list because this list is never ending. There are always going to be new people or new things that piss me off. And this list is in NO particular order. Teenagers, you think you are so cool because you go out drinking or partying and get picked up by the cops, figuring that they will just take you home to Mommy and Daddy who will be helpless to do anything to you cause you will have them charged. Well fuckheads I don't give a rats ass about a charge and I have no reservations about giving you the smack upside the head that you so desperately need. You … [Read more...]