Oh the Inhumanity

Yeah that is right the fucking Inhumanity. Who ever said humans were fucking compassionate was a fucking Moron. I thought the days of hunting whales was over. But it turns out that,Environmentalists fear the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will sanction a return to commercial whaling at its annual meeting, which starts this week. I discovered this story while surfing the BBC web site http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4582495.stm Now I know that there are some of you fucking losers out there that will say there are lots of whales so what if we kill a few? Fair enough "there are lots of Americans out there so what if we kill a few?" Fuck lets start with Bush, or "there are a lot of Jews out there so what if we kill a few?" In this day and age … [Read more...]

New Help for slow leaners

Ok so we have all heard of Mary Kay Laterno and her new husband the Kid she slept with while she was his teacher. What the fuck is the big fucking deal? If I had had teachers like that when I was in High school I would have made better Grades and probably gone more often. People need to let this topic go and move on with their lives. What the fuck is wrong with these people that insist on dragging this woman through the mud when all she did was fuck a kid that she was teaching. Was she Wrong? Yes. Do we need to keep bring it up at every opportunity? Fuck No!!! People forget about shit others do like George W Bush lieing to the Public when he said " We Have proof of WMD in Iraq" or the fact that before the US got involved in Afganistan the Taliban had … [Read more...]

Get off your fucking ass

We have become a nation of fat lazy greedy fucking slobs. I saw on the TV tonight where fruit farmers are hiring fucking Mexicans to come to Canada and do the work that most people find beneath them. FUCK THAT SHIT take all these lazy pricks on general welfare, Not disability, or Parental, but General welfare and send them to fucking work on these farms they get minimum wage and a fucking roof over their lazy fucking heads plus the satisfaction of working for the money instead of sitting around smoking fucking pot all day. If they were to actually work they would find out they could afford more fucking pot. Not to mention the fact that learn the value of a dollar. But unfortunately we have these fucking bleeding heart human rights wankers that say "Oh you … [Read more...]

Be afraid be very afraid

While most of my recent dealing with Wiccans have been with the Fluffy, light and love, I wanna be like the bitch on Buffy, Wiccans. I have met and do know wiccans with living brain cells. But the article on this web site fucking pissed me off. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050526/NEWS01/505260481 This fucking closed minded ass hole of a Judge has taken it upon himself to decide what is a mainstream religion. For those of you who are too fucking lazy to go read this article here are the Highlights.Judge: Parents can't teach pagan beliefs Father appeals order in divorce decree that prevents couple from exposing son to Wicca. An Indianapolis father is appealing a Marion County judge's unusual order that prohibits him and his ex-wife … [Read more...]


I have always known that Cowboys were sick little fuckers, but I always put it down to years of listening to Country Music. But lately I have been thinking that maybe the rodeo plays a bigger part in it then we know. Rodeos are fucking Barbaric. If you need proof I will Tie a leather strap around your genitals and sit on you back while digging in a set of spurs, I know to those of you in Aberta and Texas this sounds like foreplay, but lets see just how fucking much you jump and buck. Or we will put you in a pen scare the shit out of you open the gate only to have some demented fucker throw a rope around you and hog tie you. Now I know I am turning all the rednecks on with this talk, but seriously these animals go through hell to entertain a bunch of small … [Read more...]