Teen actress Lindsay Lohan's breasts have been digitally reduced for forthcoming Disney film Herbie: Fully Loaded, to avoid offending family audiences, IMDB.com reports Monday. Excerpts: "Test screenings for the new movie, the fourth sequel to the 1968 film The Love Bug about a Volkswagen Beetle car with a mind of its own, indicated that some parents felt Lohan's character Maggie Peyton was too raunchy for a children's film. "Disney technicians were forced to plough through numerous scenes - especially those showing the busty actress jumping up and down at a motor racing track, reducing her breasts by two cup sizes and raising revealing necklines on her T-shirts. http://rawstory.com/news/2005/Actress_gets_digital_breast_red_0606.html Raw Story … [Read more...]
Dumb fucking Animals
No I am not talking about some animal that people think are dumb I am talking about stupid fucking humans. Let me say this I am an animal lover and most peoples pets are smarter then the people that own them, but today I met some truly stupid fuckers that I want to share this experience with you all. I was at the Oak Bay Tea party today and as most of you in Victoria know it was a very warm day out. As I was walking around I noticed this little dog in a vehicle and only one window was open and only about a quarter of an inch, the dog had no water, and was panting fiercely. Now any fucking moron knows NOT TO LEAVE A PET IN A VEHICLE IN THE SUMMER, or at least I thought any fucking moron would know this. But this vehicle had personalized plates on it that reads … [Read more...]
Why do I do this to myself
Ok so it is that time of year again when the Oak Bay Tea Party is happening. And I volunteer my time to this cause because for the most part it is a great time for families, but every year we hear about how there is going to be a huge fight between different high schools or there is going to be a wild party on the beach after the midway closes down. Now as most of you obtuse cretins are aware I don't like teens at the best of times. Now as the school year is coming to an end these vile progeny grow even more ignorant of others and decide that they want to ruin a good thing. Years ago the OBTP had a fireworks display on the Saturday night and the midway was open until ten PM, but because of some problematic teens this has had to end. There was property damage, … [Read more...]
Wonders will never cease
Today I actually found something that surprised me. I was on a crowded bus coming in to Victoria from Sooke via Langford. At a stop this elderly woman got on the bus and the young native girl stood up and gave the elderly woman her seat. I thought to myself "Right fucking on that kid actually has respect." and then I thought "Why the fuck can't more teens be like her? I found myself with many questions that piss me off be cause I was not able to answer them. So I will ask you simple minded dolts out there, Was this a freak occurrence? Is it because the natives still know enough to respect the elders? and, Why was I so shocked that this young lady gave up her seat? I was brought up that a man should always offer his seat to a lady, and that children should … [Read more...]
Nipples are getting the cold shoulder
OK I don;t fucking believe what the fucking North American population is sinking to. http://www.canada.com/search/story.html?id=bc3adc33-e769-4acd-adab-a7b89bcf1092 Now if you can't see this story here is the gist of it' Sixteen months after the Super Bowl's tempest in a C-cup, war has been declared on women's breasts. From Desperate Housewives' deployment of digital nipple-erasers to Victoria's Secret's nipple-negating bras, a campaign is underway to conceal one of the natural features of the female breast. Now we all have nipples but this is pushing civilization back into the early sixties. Women have fought hard to be taken seriously and Hollywierd has decided that all tier work was in vain. Here in Canada woman have the right to go topless, if they so … [Read more...]