And this of course brings out the mental midgets out there, you know who these fuckers are. They are the ones that overload their Jeeps, put passengers in the back of the truck with out seatbelts or race their crotch rocket Motorcyles along the fucking highway thinking they are fucking ten foot tall and bullet proof. These are the same inbred motherfuckers that drive out to local swimming holes or beaches and rivers with a 12 pack of beer sit there getting drunk smashing the bottles all over the place, only to get back into their vehicles and drive while impaired. Then when one of these Darwin Award winners gets him/herself or one of the idiots with him killed you all feel pity for the fucker. If the fucker gets him/herself killed Great they got what the fuck they … [Read more...]
You’re an Asshole
How many fucking times have I been told those exact words? I have fucking lost count, but yet for some reason you fuckers seem to think I take offence to being called an asshole. Why can’t you fucking brainless wonders get it through your thick fucking heads? I AM AN ASSHOLE AND PROUD OF IT. I know I have not posted for quite some fucking time but I have a life other then trying to keep you fuckers amused, but there are a few things I need to get off my chest. So here we go. 1. To you lazy cock suckers that accosted me for spare change on the streets face it you are fucking lazy, and I am fucking judgmental, but at least I am not a burden on society so find a fuck job or die either way you will at least be doing something worthwhile for a change. 2. You whiney … [Read more...]
Unions what fucking good are they
Now let me fucking start by saying that the way the government fucks workers around should be illegal. But what the unions do to the general public is also illegal. I live on an Island, it is my choice to do so. But when some dumb fucking Union ass hole decides that they want to launch a work action that will hold the public hostage then that is where I say FUCK YOU. On monday Oct 17th there was a general strike. I don't give a fuck what the unions call it. What I do care about is the fact that because of these fuckers there was NO Transit for people to get to work via, streets were blocked off for the march that they had. But did any one of these fuckers give a rats ass about the innocent people they were affecting? Not fucking Likely. Did they care … [Read more...]
Fucking Spammers
Lately some fucking Morons have been posting Trackbacks to my articles. And I guess it is to try to get you fucking morons to visit their pathetic sites. So in other words these fucking losers can't get any traffic by them selves so they have to try to ride my coat tails and steal traffic to help them out. Now the thing is I know lots of people and some of them are very talented hackers and programmers and I would hate to see someone have problems with their website and get a virus on their computer. But I can not stop my fans from exacting some toll from these idiots if their shit continues, or if my site should happen to suffer some unexplained problems I will not be held responsible for anything that may or may not happen to retaliation from my … [Read more...]
PETA Petty Egocentric Thoughtless Assholes
Yes I am talking about those ass hole from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It turns out that while these people will say or do anything to get press coverage, they are really Racist Bastards. They compare people to pigs, cows, and other animals. They seem to think nothing of mocking the suffering of Jews in concentration camps during WWII or of Blacks during and before the civil rights movement in the US. They have produced pictures of black slaves in chains besides pictures of Elephants chained, and one featuring a black civil rights protester being beaten beside a photo of a seal being bludgeoned and last but by no means least in one titled "Hanging," showed a graphic photo of a white mob surrounding two lynched blacks, their bodies hanging from … [Read more...]