
So as many of you fucking Looser know today's date (4/20/2005) has a lot of meaning for lowlife fucking scumbags. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, there is hope for you yet, Today at 4:20 PM millions of losers sparked up to celebrate the get stoned and be a looser day. Now I am NOT saying everyone that smokes pot is a looser, just the ones that feel the need a special time of a special day to blaze up and choke those of us, that need no artificial enlightenment, to death with the smell of shitty Pot. Now I have said before that Pot should be made legal, but it should also be like tobacco, where I am not forced to smell you retched pricks while riding Public Transit. What do I mean? Well simply put you fucking stoners STINK!!! The smell of … [Read more...]

Religious Right

Todays subject is religion. It seems the catholics have a new Pope, Big fucking deal right? Well not if you are a dumbassed Catholic, this stupid fucker is Old School Catholic. What do I mean by that well lets look at it, he is against equal rights fro women, against Gay rights,against contraception. Old fucking school Catholic. I bet John Paul is rolling over in his Grave thinking that this German fucker is going to undo all the things that he fought to change. Don't get me wrong Catholics are a pain in the ass. Need Prove? Hittler was a catholic, so was Musilini, come to think of it the new Pope is a German Catholic with a very narrow view of things. could this be the beginnings of a fourth Riech? But the Catholics are not the only idiots in the world … [Read more...]

Stupid Americans

Why the fuck are most Americans so stupid? Seriously folks Adolf Hittler would be creaming his fucking jeans if he could see what was going on in the US today. The Bush administration has not only got the people of the US Paranoid beyond beleife but is feed them a line of sugar coated Bullshit. I found this wonderful little quote on the H.E.R.B. (Had Enough Religious Bullshit)web site; What did the Fascist regimes in Italy, Germany, and Spain have in common? They consisted of a highly militarized state, backed by corporation and a wealthy elite, that rose to power through a false populism that exploited the public’s fear of foreigners and "moral degenerates". This precisely defines the formula that Karl Rove designed to consolidate the Bush … [Read more...]

Bastard Awards

So today I wake up at 4 am and I feel like complete shit. I have the fucking Flu, and as if I need something to make me crankier, I can't get back to sleep. So I decided FUCK IT I go on line and just start surfing, and it hits me. Why not get the morons to nominate web sites for "The Bastard Awards" So here we go you fuckers send me links to web sites, and why you think I should give them a bastard award for either being so completely and totally fucked up like this one http://www.rnc.org/ Trust me anything to do with the American Republic Party is fucked up. Or something Like this one that you think I would enjoy http://edkrebs.com/herb/index.htm Whatever the site is you tell me why you are nominating it, and if it should be Bastard approved or rejected. Now I … [Read more...]


Greetings, and welcome to the half crazed ratings of some one you never want to piss off. If this is your first time reading any of my rants then there are a few things you should know. First of all I AM AN ASSHOLE, DEAL WITH IT!!!!! Secondly I hate everyone yes you included. Thirdly at some point in time I piss everyone off by speaking my mind. If you don’t like me, FUCK YOU and there is the door, and last but by no means least, if you feel that you must write me an e-mail then be prepared to have your e-mail address posted along with your name and the e-mail, and expect to become a target for my rage. Everything you read here is my opinion and with that being said, I can call you any fucking name I want to and make all the observations about you that I … [Read more...]