RIGHT EVERYONE REPEAT AFTER ME "STUPID PEOPLE PISS ME OFF!!!" I am walking around the computer section of London Drugs (think Wallgreens for those of you who are unwashed), and there is this sales woman trying to tell a guy that Epson Printers are better for Photographs then Canon printers. I wanted to grab the stunned bitch and tell her to stop trying for the big sales and be honest with the poor fool, Canon printers are the best for the value and the Ink does not cost you your first Fucking born child. But being the kind gentle soul I am I waited until the guy had asked some more questions and also wanted some software to manage his photos, this fucking stupid bitch right away goes into the "sell the most expensive product mode" and tries to sell him Adobe … [Read more...]
Stupid People are Breeding
"In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with The Cranky Old Bastard, and the word was The Cranky Old Bastard. All things were made by him: and without Him was not anything made that was not made." (John 1:1,3) Ok so now you dumb fucks are wondering what I am smoking? NOT A FUCKING THING. I am just fucking sick and tired of people taking a story that was passed down from word of mouth until some dumb fucker decided to embellish it and put it all to paper, and trying to force it down my fucking throat. I have made it abundantly clear that I am NOT christian, and I don't see how any one with half a brain can follow blindly like a sheep. Face it morons Christ even considered you as nothing more then sheep that needed a shepard to guide you because most … [Read more...]
Fuck Dominos
My best friend got married yesterday and I am house sitting for him, more to make sure if the servers go down that they get up and running more than anything. Now he has a 17 year old daughter that is a great kid, very smart very down, to earth not like most teen agers I have come across. So we decide we want pizza for dinner and there is a coupon on the phone book for a buy one get one free offer. I call them up to place my order and the fucking total comes to almost twenty five motherfucking dollars. Now I tell you I could have gotten three fucking pizzas from any where else in town for that fucking price, and the goddammend fucking quality of Dominos has taken a fucking nose dive lately. So here is what my suggestion is to you call up Dominos and tell them … [Read more...]
Loyal reader writes
No I know that the concept of e mailing the Cranky Old Bastard anything that you might actually think could be offensive, but there are some out there that have the intellect to know when something is truly wrong like the following; http://www.uexpress.com/printable/print.html?uc_full_date=20050426&uc_comic=ru Where, for those of you who do not the reading skills of the average third grader, I will give a brief (that means short)summary. It turns out that two girls have been arrested and detained by the U.S. Homeland Security agency for having the nerve to form tier own opinion, Without a warrant, NYPD detectives and federal agents burst into the girl's home--no wonder they don't have time to look for Osama!--where they "searched her belongings and … [Read more...]
Alabama Hates Gays
As if we didn't need anymore proof that Americans are fucking stupid, a reader has sent me this link to an article that The State of Alabama wants to ban books that deal with Gay lifestyles. http://blog.librarylaw.com/librarylaw/2005/02/alabama_bill_to.html I am going to leave it to you the readers to click on the link and read the article your selves. (I know that seem like a lot of hard work for you )But I am going to cover some of the finer points of this law. Points such as; No public funds or public facilities shall be used by any state agency, public school, public library, or public college or university for the purchase, production, or promotion of printed or electronic materials or activities that, directly or indirectly, sanction, recognize, foster, … [Read more...]