The 700 Club

I have been informed by one of my minions that an e-mail has been sent to the 700 Club and Pat Robertson in order to try to get them to shut my site down. Fuck it, let them try to shut me down. I live in Canada where we still have the right to voice our opinions. And fuck anyone that tries to shut me down. As I have said before if you don't like what you read here FUCK OFF AND DON'T COME BACK!!! I mean face it kids do you really think I give a rats ass if I piss off a bunch of blind christian sheep? Fuck no. Matter of fact I enjoy pissing off christians, most are too stupid to know when they are being insulted any ways. And as far as I am concerned any one the preaches intolerance are nothing more then fucking Morons (other then myself that is) Here is the … [Read more...]

All hail Yoda the true God

A reader felt that this should be brought to my attention, and I am damn glad he did, this moron seems to think Yoda from Star Wars is actually intended to look like Mephistopheles. He also states You don't believe there is a Devil? Let's get real!! He has your ultimate destruction as his never ending goal. If you hope to escape the damnation of Hell, it is imperative that you put your faith in Christ alone. NOW! His death and resurrection in your place make it possible for you to escape Hell and gain Heaven. Why is it people feel the need to compensate for their lack of faith by shoving their religious beliefs down our throats? Also this person of questionable intelligence states, The website, While Good For Research On The Occult, By No Means Is A … [Read more...]

Typical politicians

Why am I not fucking surprised at all the bull shit coming out of Ottawa? Or out of the Provincial Governments for that matter. If you watch closely the whole fucking thing about the Liberal Scam in Ottawa will get pinned on one low level fucker and everyone else will go scot fucking free. Why BECAUSE MONEY TALKS. I f you don't know that then you need to pull your heads out of you collective asses, and wake the fuck up We all know OJ killed his wife and that poor schmuck she was fucking. But because OJ was famous he got away with it. Jean Cretien knew all about the kick backs going on in Ottawa and he retired before it all blew up, and you fucking damn well better know he will get away with it. Kobe Bryant raped a chick and got away with it because "The … [Read more...]

Sports Role Models , an Urban legand

Now I know that I am not the only person out there that think that these so called Sport Stars make far too much fucking money, and are nothing more then a bunch of fucking whining cry babies, but that is besides the point here. My point today is why the fuck do we Idolize these fuckers? For example Todd Bertuzi (And no I don't give a fuck if I spell his name right) This asshole blind sides another player sucker punches him ending what could have been a great career, and I hear people say oh poor Todd is losing a Million dollars by not playing. FUCK HIM he needs the money like I need a hole in the fucking head. Think of the example he has set for kids, Hey Kids it is ok to play like a dirty asshole as long as you are making millions, and can produce a few … [Read more...]

a conversation with the Bastard

I was sitting at home and decided to go into a chat room for shits and giggles. Where I was confronted by an idiot. Now because of this I have remembered that there is a group I hate worse then Americans and that is the French. Now this idiot decides to start ridiculing people in the chat room and that is my fucking job so I posted this, Hands sirkayfoto his business card that reads as follows ... Hello I am the Cranky Old Bastard. If I am giving you this card it is for one of two reasons, either You are a stupid person that has pissed me off, or You have done something that I have noticed and found worthy of my commenting on. To find out which one please visit So shit for brains decides to try to insult me, and while I … [Read more...]