I would like to dedicate this song to every fucking one of you out there. [vsw id=”byEGjLU2egA” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]
Now I want to move on to the fuckers who decided that they would break the mirror off the drivers side of my car and leave it dangling. A word to the wise if I find you I hope to fuck you have good medical coverage. My car might not be the best car on the road but it is MINE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Who the fuck do you cocksuckers think you are it is impossible for it to have been another car so I know it was done on purpose. Now if any of you out there have had anything of yours vandalized I am sure you will agree with me that these fuckers suffer the most horrible pain full death we can think of, and trust me I am able to think of a lot of sick and pain full ways to deal with these wastes of sperm.
 Maybe if they were actually punished in prison and not fed from the public tit and pampered to then maybe the crime rate would decrease, but when the prisoners have a higher standard of living then people that lead a honest life who the fuck would care about going to Jail. If it weren’t for the bleeding heart fuckers out there maybe the victims of crime might feel that justice is being served.
I want to let the tweakers and the dealers in neighbourhood know that it is time to move one. Your time here is done.
Please remember to Support Our troops
Until next Time
I remain
The Cranky Old bastard